Burçe Naz Sokullu
a.k.a Burçes.
Drawing Something.
Burçe was born in Kadıköy, Istanbul in 1989. She want to become an actress and create something about art.
She went to conservatory for studing acting, but teachers said “she was too young for this.” She has to wait untill end of the highschool .
And then, she started to learn to ballet and piano in a half time at Istanbul University State Conservatory between 1997-2001. But she didin’t want to become a ballet dancer, because this art department was too slow for her. And She had a magical gift, ADHD (attention deficity and hyperactivity disorder). Neuro people says like that, but, this is not a chemical situation in your mind. This is a gift for humanity. Becuase you can use your brain two sides and four pieces at the same time. (but this is not our matter for now.)
Burçe’s art career has begun as a Trombone player first in 2002. She worked at Doğuş Çocuk Senfoni Orkestrası (D.Ç.S.O)(between 2006-2008), İstanbul Film Müzikleri Orkestrası (İ.F.M.O) (in 2009). She played for our 10. President Ahmet Necdet Sezer with Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası (C.S.O.) while she is working at D.Ç.S.O.
She had so many chance to working with the honourable artists while working at D.Ç.S.O. For example; Alexander Markov (violin virtuosso), Gülsin Onay (Pianist), Fazıl Say (Piano Virtuosso, Composer)…
Her film career has begun as a casting assistant 2011 at Run Production. After she’s got bored and changed to deparment. And her career changed as an Assistan Director in 2012 and has worked her way to become a prominent and respected professional in film industry. Over the course of her career she has worked on so many tv+digital commercials, music videos, short and movies and contents.
And she still serves as an Assistant Director to the Production Companies and Creative Companies in İstanbul, Turkey.